Wednesday 28 April 2010

Great Dunmow Carnival 2010

The ( Great Dunmow Carnival is held every year in September.
The ( Carnival has become one of the biggest and most attended in Essex drawing in crowds from all over the country.
( Dunmow Carnival Procession commences at about 1:30pm from the industrial estate on the edge of town, moving toward the town centre, the Floats merge with the Walking Groups.
It then continues through Great Dunmow High Street, bands play, dancers perform and the streets are lined deep with people, traditionally the children put coins into collection buckets, all the profits are used for local charities and projects.
The Theme for 2010 is FILMS so the Floats, Walkers and many of the Shops will be displaying something to do with the theme, they use their own imagination.
After the parade has passed through the town they head to the recreation field where the winners gather in the centre of the playing fields.
The crowds also make their way here where the afternoon's entertainment begins.
The Great Dunmow Carnival offers a fantastic day out for all the family and the attractions include:-
Stalls and Exhibitors
Beer Tent
There is also a live open air concert with some great artists plus many supporting acts, later in the evening there is a Fireworks Display.

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